We’re so excited to announce that we’re hosting another awesome patient referral giveaway contest! Now through January 5, 2018 you’ll have the chance to win a luxurious Staycation for two at the Four Seasons Hotel & Spa in Downtown St. Louis, including a hotel-stay, spa services, dining, fun, and more! Continue reading “Win the Ultimate St. Louis Staycation!”
The #SmileCo Dental Patient Referral Party!
Last month our dental office celebrated the patients who participated in our referral contest with a fun outdoor food truck party! Continue reading “The #SmileCo Dental Patient Referral Party!”
Five Things You Should Know About Dental Implants
Our Maryland Heights Dental Office takes Dental Implants seriously. And, when our patients are in need of dental implants, we make it a point to offer effective solutions right away. Continue reading “Five Things You Should Know About Dental Implants”
The Best Foods for a Beautiful Smile
A beautiful and healthy smile is usually one of the first things that people notice when they see you. However, stained or yellow teeth can be a turn-off. Continue reading “The Best Foods for a Beautiful Smile”
Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Teeth While Traveling
Whether you travel for work or pleasure, when you’re on the move you don’t always have time to brush your teeth properly. Continue reading “Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Teeth While Traveling”
Poster of the Week – The Smile Company
oral surgery Maryland Heights MO
At The Smile Company, we offer advanced oral surgery services that many other dental clinics don’t provide. Our dentists have the necessary training, accreditation, and experience needed to make sure these procedures are done properly and expediently. At our clinic in Maryland Heights, Missouri, we have all the proper equipment needed to make sure your oral surgery procedure goes smoothly.
Cosmetic Dentistry Maryland Heights MO
A lot of dental clinics focus only on functional dentistry these days, but this may not be enough for dental patients who want only the best in dental care. At The Smile Company, we also prioritize how our patients will look with their new and improved teeth. And unlike other forms of cosmetic enhancements such as cosmetic surgery, our services are more affordable and less painful.
How to Find a Cosmetic Surgery Dentist
Are you interested in improving your smile? Sometimes, a simple cavity filling isn’t enough. If you need a considerable amount of work done on your teeth, you may want to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist. Although your primary care dentist may be able to provide you with assistance, cosmetic dentistry is often considered a completely different medical field.
Pediatric dentistry in Maryland Heights MO
Thе tеrm “Pеdiаtriс Dеntiѕtrу” rеfеrѕ to a specialty of thе рrоfеѕѕiоn of dеntiѕtrу. A gеnеrаl оr fаmilу dеntiѕt is оnе thаt hаѕ completed 4 уеаrѕ оf dental school and possibly a rеѕidеnсу in general dentistry afterwards. A pediatric dеntiѕt hаѕ thе same 4 years of dеntаl school but then rесеivеѕ further trаining by соmрlеting a 2-3 уеаr residency in реdiаtriс dеntiѕtrу. During residency, thе саndidаtе receives ѕресiаlizеd trаining in thе mаnаgеmеnt of dental nееdѕ оf сhildrеn of all аgеѕ; both wеll children, аnd thоѕе thаt аrе medically соmрrоmiѕеd.
Continue reading “Pediatric dentistry in Maryland Heights MO”